Sunday 23 February 2014

Why We Are Doing The Remake

The film opening which we are going to remake is Drive (2011). This film was a good choice to remake as it is part of the drama genre, which is the genre which the film we make is going to fit into. Additionally to this, it contains lots of shots which would be incredibly challenging to do with no budget or specialist equipment, so it will mean that we have to be creative and innovative in order to get around certain problems. 

The main reason we are doing this remake is to get used to using both the hardware and software which we will be using for our final film. However, by learning these skills whilst making a light-hearted movie remake, we will be able to try out different techniques with the equipment without wasting valuable filming time, which would happen if we were attempt to start making our final film opening without having practised using the equipment before. This will help us when making our final piece because we are likely to have a much more professional looking film if we already have had practise using equipment such as cameras and tripods. Whilst we are not using Final Cut for this remake, it will still be helpful to practise using a Mac to edit, as there are many similarities between editing on iMovie and Final Cut.

Another reason for doing a remake of a pre-existing film opening is to get a proper feel as to where titles should go, and what order they should run in. By copying the exact order of the titles of a film within the genre of drama, we will be able to apply this order, or a similar one, to the final product which we end up making. Additionally, we will be able to test out the limitations of the software we will be designing the titles on, as the more powerful the software, the closer we will be able to get to the titles in the original film. This will help us in designing our titles as we will know whether they have to be static titles, or whether we can do more complex things with them. 

A final reason for making a remake of an existing opening sequence is that it will allow us to showcase the innovative style in which we plan to make our final piece, and will highlight any flaws in our style which need to be ironed out by the time we make it. For example, as this is a fairly difficult remake to open due to the ariel shots of a skyline in America, it will encourage us to find innovative ways in which we can recreate this. This will help us to find a specific style to make our final film opening with, as we will have to find ways to do shots which would require us to have specialist equipment such as a crane.

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