Friday 21 February 2014

Ideal Target Audience

The ideal target audience for our coming of age drama would be an audience who are between the ages of 15 and 25, male and somewhere within the working class or the middle class. However, this breaks down a lot more specifically, with there being six categories I have studied in order to find the ideal target audience for our film.

Gender: The gender of the ideal target audience should be one which is made up of primarily males. Whilst the themes of our film are likely to also appeal to certain female audience members, our film is likely to have a male protagonist. Based on the findings of my questionnaire, I have discovered that audience members prefer to watch films with a protagonist who is the same gender as them, so in theory the audience for my film will be mostly made up of males.

Age: People who are likely to enjoy a coming of age drama have to be either going through their teenage years, or have recently lived through them. This is why we are aiming the film at people between the ages of 15 and 25, because it means that they will be able to relate and empathise with the characters within the film more.

Ethnicity: The ethnicity of our target audience is likely to be the white race, purely because this sort of film stereotypically appeals to a white teenage audience more than it would one from an ethnic minority. Stereotypically, an ethnic minority would be more interested in films which show the plight of their own ethnicity than a film which shows a white person from the south of England, so would not be as interested in our film as they would in a film which has been targeted specifically towards their race.

Cultural Identity: In terms of north and south, I believe that our film will be appreciated more by an audience from the north of the country, which means that they are the ones who make up this section of our ideal target audience. I believe this because dramas are usually set amongst the working classes, and thinking stereotypically, the north of England is associated with there working class more than the south is.

Class/Status: As I previously mentioned, our film is going to be primarily targeted towards the skilled working class (C1 and C2 sociographic categories) with themes which will also be relatable for people who are middle class (B1 category). We have decided to target these classes because they are likely to be most interested in a drama film, which is the overarching genre of our film, before we get into the specifics of age and gender (which are what defines its 'coming of age' subgenre).

Sexuality: I would expect an audience of mixed sexualities to watch and enjoy our film. This is because unlike most coming of age dramas, it doesn't really deal with the idea of reaching sexual maturity, instead dealing with many of the other themes which are associated with the transition from being a teenager to becoming an adult.

Studying these areas has helped me to design and create a mood board for my film genre so that I can have a visual representation of what I believe my audience will be like.

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