Saturday 15 February 2014

Timelines of Film Titles: The Social Network

The Social Network (2010) has an unusual opening sequence, in that it doesn't start until almost 6 minutes after the film has begun, with the first scene of the film containing no titles other than the Columbia title card at the very beginning. In terms of title order, the opening is very similar to that of 8 Mile: the production titles (production company, director ect) are the first ones seen, then the actors, with the star actor first and then the supporting cast afterwards, and then finally the crew, who's roles are listed in the reverse order to this. 

By noticing this similarity between the opening sequences of both films, I know that the film I produce will have to follow this same order, as it is a similar genre to these films, both of which are biopics. Additionally, studying the two title sequences has given me ideas about the amount of sound which is necessary to use: 8 Mile uses a fair amount of dialogue, whereas the only diegetic sound in The Social Network is footsteps and distant, almost inaudible chattering in the background. 

A difference between the two opening sequences is the length, with the opening sequence of 8 Mile being almost 2 minutes longer than The Social Network. For our film, I would rather make an opening sequence which is sub 2 minutes, as I feel all of the titles work better if there is a smaller gap between them. Additionally, we are unlikely to have much action in our film before the titles begin (unlike The Social Network), because 

Below is a timeline of titles in the opening sequence of The Social Network. 

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