Friday 28 February 2014

Timeline of Titles: Easy A

The opening sequence of Easy A (2010), is one which contains embedded titles which the audience have to look out for in order to notice. This then brings more import ants and significance to the name of each member of the cast and crew, which makes them seem like they are more important or prestigious actors. 

It does have an unusual order of cast titles, with the star of the film, Emma Stone, having her name on screen last, after the rest of the cast. However, this is probably because the action involving her starts immediately at this point, so leaving her title until last means that hers is the name which sticks in the heads of the audience. Additionally to this, the film doesn't include all of the crew titles which would usually be seen in the opening title sequence, missing out titles like casting and executive producers. This could have been done for a variety of different reasons, perhaps they were trying to save time (the opening is nearly 5 minutes long as it is) or maybe it was deemed that these rolls weren't important enough to be included in the opening sequence. 

Studying this opening of this film has shown me how the order of opening titles can be adjusted slightly in order to fit a films purpose, whilst still fitting the order which audiences expect to see from a film, and without cutting out the names of anybody who is deemed too important to be cut. Looking at the opening of a coming of age film has also shown that they usually begin with the protagonist doing a voiceover before we see them on screen - this is an idea which could be greatly effective when making our film.

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