Tuesday 25 February 2014

What needs to be considered when writing my film opening?

The most important thing to consider when writing my film opening is character. This is important because it is the basis of a drama film - we have to carefully construct a character who is both a hero and an anti-hero. This will be difficult, although within the opening of the film they will be presented as more of a hero than an anti-hero. This is because the film will have to show both positives and negatives to this character, leaving it up to the audience to decide whether they like this character or not. By constructing a character like this, we will be being fairly revolutionary, as most drama films are clear cut about which characters the audience are supposed to feel attached too, and which ones they should avoid.

Another important aspect of our story which needs to be considered whilst we are writing it is the setting. I think that our film would work best if it was set in an urban/suburban setting in a city such as London or Birmingham. Whilst this is fairly unusual for a drama film, because ours is going to be a part of the coming of age subgenre, setting it in a big city will explain why there is such a large amount of opportunities available to the protagonist when they decide that it is the time to come of age.

A third aspect which we need to consider when writing our story is the actual events which happen within it. Within a drama almost anything is possible to happen, as long as it is realistic. Keeping this element of realism within the film we make is important in order to make sure we have the high levels of verisimilitude which are necessary in order to make our film look professional and interest the audience as much as we possibly can.

Finally, we need to consider the title which we give to our final film. The title needs to signify lots of things about the story and the protagonist, including giving a clue about what they do within the story. When we have a working title we will have to consider if there are any films out already with this name, or if it connotes something different to the rest of the symbolism within the film.

Researching about what needs to be included in the story has shown me how important it is to. Onside reachable spect of the story and what it can signify to the audience. I will ensure that I think about all of these things with the audience in mind when writing the story for the film. 

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