Friday, 18 April 2014

Filming Diary

March 20th

This is the day where we filmed the YouTube video which was featured within the film opening - we opted to use a mobile phone to film the video as this footage was supposed to be low quality and grainy, in order for it to give the audience the feeling of verisimilitude - the feeling that the action is real and that they are actually witnessing it. We filmed this at about midday, in order to ensure that there are lots of shadows, as this adds to the depth to which the audience can see the conflict between the two girls.

The camcorder style footage of the video of her being
bullied is supposed to be deliberately grainy
Other pre-production which I did on this day was creating a YouTube account for each of the female characters - this is what each of them uploaded their videos onto in the film. It also involved a change of costume for the two of them to take a picture which was used as the phone background, in order to show the audience that the two of them used to be friends, and that Rebecca, the character who the phone belongs too, appears to be initially still clinging on to what is left of their friendship.

March 22nd

Most of the filming of the bedroom shots were completed on this day. This is because we were given a certain day where we could borrow the camera and tripod in order to film outside of school. All of the clips filmed on this day made it into the film. We also recorded some voiceovers on this day, using  Logic X on the iMac, although we eventually decided against using these in the final film because we believed that they made it seem too unprofessional. 

March 31st

Today we filmed most of the shots which needed to be done inside school - this is because we had access to our camera again, and could use a dolly in order to film professional looking tracking shots. This shoot didn't take very long, as we just had to get a few shots of Jess walking through some corridors and then film the part where she is being harassed and runs away. We opted to switch to a handheld camera for the part where she is running, again in the interest of verisimilitude for the audience, who would want to see this part of the film represented as accurately as possible. 

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