Monday 3 March 2014

Mood Board of My Target Audience

The main things which I am representing with this moodboard are teenagers and regional identity/location. I have included teenagers from a variety of different social groups. These groups were inspired by the website, as it shows the variety of different groupings which teenagers place themselves and their friends into. By including as wide a range of teenagers as possible, I have represented that I want my film to appeal to as large an audience of teenagers as possible. Groups of teenagers which I have included in my mood board include casuals, hipsters, townies and goths, a diverse mix in order to show the diverse audience which I believe my film will have. Note that I have not included any or many adults within the mood board, because I believe this film will not appeal to many of them.

In addition to this, I have included iconography of the north (gravy), as I believe that our film would be more successful with a northern audience than a southern one. I have also shown urban and suburban areas, as this is where my film will be set. People are more likely to enjoy a film if they can relate to its setting, so by setting it in an urban location, I am more likely to attract an audience of people who live in the city rather than those who live in the countryside. 

Below is my mood board. Creating it will be very helpful when scripting out my film, because it will be a visual reminder of who my audience are, and thus will remind me what iconography will need to be incorporated into my film in order to attract these audience members which I am targeting the film towards. 

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