Wednesday 23 October 2013

Script for Preliminary Task

Here is the script which I wrote for our preliminary task. It is not very long, but the clip is going to be mainly made up of acting and shots where there is no talking, so the script need not contain much detail. Whilst the script may be changed slightly during the filming of the actual video, it is better to have a script which we can get the actors to base their lines off of, and then improvise them so that they sound the best they can for that actor.


Begin with a long shot of the inside of the saloon with people drinking and laughing (3 seconds)
Cuts to the gunman outside of the bar, loading his gun

Gunman: Keep calm and don’t do anything stupid! You, behind the bar, empty the till NOW!

Barman: Why should I do that?

Gunman: Don’t make me give you a reason! (Aims the gun at him)

Barman: Please, don’t do it, you can have anything you want!

Gunman: Empty the till then!

Barman reaches behind the counter, pulls out a bottle and smashes it over the gunman’s head. Fade to black after a slow-motion shot of the gunman falling to the ground. 

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